path: root/README.md
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authorAlexis Hovorka <[email protected]>2021-05-16 22:40:33 -0600
committerAlexis Hovorka <[email protected]>2021-05-16 22:40:33 -0600
commit2297530cb1149752445b586b337e5c8d3b7bb108 (patch)
treeffed174b8edff46ccdb533aa1b486e6c216695da /README.md
parente97ee92acc19b30c8e3c044049ea5951d8c45d63 (diff)
[feat] Long press 3+ fingers to set home positionHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dba118d..ac08ae1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,83 +1,3 @@
-# node-exclusive-keyboard
-Keylogger for NodeJS and Linux that grabs the input device exclusively.
+# node-dotkey
-Useful for capturing USB input devices that act like keyboards, so that their inputs do no pollute other processes like terminals.
-Based on [node-keylogger](https://github.com/taosx/node-keylogger/) and [node-ioctl](https://github.com/santigimeno/node-ioctl).
-## Installation
-npm install --save exclusive-keyboard
-## Usage
-Set access control right to device for user `username`:
-sudo setfacl -m u:username:r /dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd
-const ExclusiveKeyboard = require('exclusive-keyboard');
-const keyboard = new ExclusiveKeyboard('by-id/usb-Logitech_Logitech_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd', true);
-keyboard.on('keyup', console.log);
-keyboard.on('keydown', console.log);
-keyboard.on('keypress', console.log);
-keyboard.on('close', console.log);
-keyboard.on('error', console.error);
-## API
-### `new ExclusiveKeyboard(dev, exclusive)`
-* `dev` (string): Device name (part after '/dev/input/'). Example: 'event0' would use '/dev/input/event0'
-* `exclusive` (boolean): If true, grab device exclusively using ioctl EVIOCGRAB (default: true)
-### `close()`
-Releases the grabbed device and closes the file descriptor. Emits 'close' event when done.
-### ExclusiveKeyboard.Keys
-Mapping of key codes to key ids, see `keycodes.js`.
-### Event `keyup(event)`
-Example event:
- timeS: 39234,
- timeMS: 3812,
- keyCode: 71,
- keyId: 'KEY_KP7',
- type: 'keyup',
- dev: 'by-id/usb-SEM_Trust_Numpad-event-kbd'
-### Event `keypress(event)`
-Example event:
- timeS: 39234,
- timeMS: 3812,
- keyCode: 71,
- keyId: 'KEY_KP7',
- type: 'keypress',
- dev: 'by-id/usb-SEM_Trust_Numpad-event-kbd'
-### Event `keydown(event)`
- timeS: 39234,
- timeMS: 3812,
- keyCode: 71,
- keyId: 'KEY_KP7',
- type: 'keydown',
- dev: 'by-id/usb-SEM_Trust_Numpad-event-kbd'
-### Event `error(error)`
-### Event `close()`
+Must not be touching touchpad when starting listener